Monday, August 29, 2016

Mallory Gustin
Comp 150.49
Bumper Sticker Assignment

    I observed a parking lot in Old Town Fort Collins and one on campus by the Durward residence hall for this assignment. The stickers I saw while walking downtown were brewing company stickers, broncos, colorado logos, U.S. army stickers, a baby on board sticker and a CU sticker. There wasn’t really a thematic message that fit all of those bumper stickers but most of them represented community and safety. For example, the “baby on board” sticker showed that Fort Collins is town full of younger people who care about safety and are family-oriented.
    On the other hand, while walking through the CSU parking lot, there was less of a variety of bumper stickers. There were countless CSU stickers, skiing stickers, Colorado stickers and Oakley stickers. There was definitely an outdoor theme to most of those bumper stickers. A lot of students like to show off the school they belong to because it is their new home and a huge part of who they are for the next four years. Both parking lots had stickers representing community and the outdoors which are two big aspects that Fort Collins has. A big difference that I saw between the two parking lots was that most of the bumper stickers at CSU targeted a younger demographic than the ones in Old Town. It is very easy to see the similarities that Fort Collins has with CSU which make community such an important quality here.

    The thesis to “Open Letter to Chancellor Linda P.B. Katehi” is “You are responsible for the police violence directed against students on the UC Davis quad on November 18, 2011. As I said, I am writing to hold you responsible and demand your immediate resignation on these grounds”. One of the key points the writer made was that the faculty members of the school stood and protested with the students and one was even arrested for doing so. Another key point was that the administration of UC campuses systematically uses brutality to terrorize students. The writer also pointed out the letter that Katehi wrote trying to promote a commitment that UC Davis made to ensure safety for students. “‘While these are turbulent economic times, as a campus community, we must all be committed to a safe, welcoming environment that advances our efforts to diversity and excellence at UC Davis’”. Brown uses a letter that Chancellor Katehi wrote to display the hypocrisy in her actions. Brown also then proceeds to destroy Katehi’s requests in her letter by following it up with the two violent actions that were performed on the students and faculty. Brown ended the letter by explaining how Katehi is unfit for the position she is in and should resign.
UC Davis Bicycle Brigade November 2011

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