Monday, August 29, 2016

Bumper Sticker and Summary

As you wander through Fort Collins, you see many types of vehicles, scooters, motorcycles, etc. If you observe closely enough you notice 75% of these motorized vehicles have some sort of bumper sticker on them. But what do these bumper stickers represent? Many of these stickers represent something different and can tell you a lot about the person and their lifestyle. Being on campus you observe many types of vehicles. Some of the bumper stickers I've seen on campus are fraternity/sorority letters, political, outdoors, humorous, and many more kinds of sticker. Which makes sense because CSU has a variety of diverse people and groups. I witnessed a sticker a couple days ago that quoted "Hillary For Prison 2016". First thing that came to my mind was, wow this person does not like Hillary. But then I also realized this person is a politician. This person has this sticker on her car because it is trying to send a message to convince others to not vote for Hillary. The second place I observed bumper stickers was my complex parking lot. The first thing I realized walking to get my mail was that the bumper stickers are somewhat the same. Then I made an assumption that most of the kids that live in this condo complex probably are all enrolled at CSU. Even though I was at a different location, the stickers were similar to the ones I saw on campus. In conclusion, I believe the people that put bumper stickers on their vehicle want to send a message to others about what they think, or what they enjoy doing in their life, because you can really show off that message driving through town.

In the passage Nathan Brown writes a letter to Linda P.B. Katehi to express what he thinks about police brutality that happened at a "peaceful protest" at UC Davis campus. Brown wanted immediate resignation as he held Linda accountable for the brutality. At the rally students protested about tuition increases and police brutality. Even though the rally was suppose to be non-violence, Students and participants were still arrested and some even hospitalized. Brown expresses that there should be a place for political and a place where free speech can be endorsed on campus. Being a Chancellor that Linda was, Brown holds her accountable for why this happened and that she should resign because she is responsible for the "safety" that is held on campus. The peers and students will be the audience of this letter to hopefully send a message to UC Davis on what should be able to happen on campus.

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