Friday, September 30, 2016

Project 2: Blog Post

In Ethics in Higher Education, three articles that stood out to me the most include.. “Higher Education: Not What it Used to Be” Published by the Economist, “9 Unbelievable Student Loan Horror Stories” By Mandi Woodruff, and “Taming the For-Profit College Monster” by David Halperin. For Project 2, I am interested in the issues with the economic cost of higher education.
Specifically, I am intrigued by not only the current cost of higher education institutions, but furthermore the lowering of the tuition. I would like to address and solve this issue because I am currently a student attending an institution that demands an outrageous and unreasonable amount of money for out-of-state residents. This might not be an issue to privileged individuals whose families pay for their education, but unfortunately my family cannot afford to do so. Therefore, when I graduate from CSU I will be hundreds of thousands of dollars into debt.
First off, a solution to this pertinent issue would be for the “for-profit” institutions, to lower their tuition. Charging students hundreds of thousands of dollars to leave them with unpayable debt and a piece of paper (your degree), is not setting them up for success. They claim that they want to build the best path for you, but instead, it is setting them up for failure, a life of stress, financial instability, and most importantly, debt. The saying “a picture is worth a thousand words” truly speaks for the image below:
This image shows the reality of what comes along with receiving a degree nowadays...and to think that there is discussion about raising the tuition is unfathomable.

The stakeholder that I would like to target for my P2 proposal, would be students attending Colorado State University (in-state and out-of-state), who also have monstrous tuition bills. This issue is exigent for CSU students because they are the ones that have to figure out how to pay back the unacceptable cost of their education, one way or another. This specific stakeholder is logical and has the power to implement my solution with me through a lot of hard work, dedication and research on how to lower the tuition costs of “for-profit” institutions, such as Colorado State University.

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