Friday, September 30, 2016

Blog Post #2-Proposal (P2)

      In the EHE, I read a number of articles that are categorized under "Campus Safety." All of the articles I read were related to sexual assault on college campuses or just sexual assault in general. The articles that I read include "97 of Every 100 Rapists Receive No Punishment, RAINN Analysis Shows," "Sexual Assault on College Campuses," "Don't Rape," and A Lack of Consequences for Sexual Assault." before reading these excerpts, I knew that I wanted to focus on sexual assault for my issue; however, after reading these excerpts I figured out that I wanted to focus on the slightly more specific/specialized issue of sexual assault on college campuses. Sexual assault has become a very large problem on college campuses, especially recently. For example, everybody knows about the Brock Turner case and NOBODY wants to see anyone go through what the victim did. The overarching reason as to why I'm focusing on this issue is because these incidents must stop, and we must do all that we can to make them stop.

      Though there are numerous problems that arise from sexual assaults on campus including minimal punishment for perpetrators of the crime, I would like to focus on the problem of women's safety. Women are constantly told to be watching their surroundings if they're walking alone at night on campus. We're also told not to walk or travel in more underpopulated areas on campus. If we are simply told what not to do, that will not save us from the possibility of a sexual assault. A person who is willing to commit a crime will do almost everything in their power to be able to carry out that crime. We need to do more to increase the safety of women on CSU's campus. After hearing so many stories of women who were put in situations that could have gone very wrong, very fast, it is clear to me that something has to be done to increase the amount of safety for our female students.

      A solution to this growing problem could be to provide more resources to keep women safe. These resources can include free self defense classes offered by the university, free transportation for women who must travel alone, free/mandatory classes to educate both men and women of the magnitude of how much destruction sexual assault causes, creating a "buddy system" for women who usually have to walk alone (this buddy system could take another female who has the same destination at about the same time), etc. These are all important resources that could make women feel more safe, and ultimately, they could all save at least one person from being a victim of sexual assault. 

      The stakeholder I will be targeting for my P2 proposal is Dr. Tony Frank. This issue is exigent for him, because often times, he is the ultimate voice of the university. Dr. Tony Frank has an ethical responsibility to keep his students safe and cares about the safety of his students. He also has the power to implement the above solution, being the President of our university. For example, at Dr. Frank's Fall Address, he talked about his deep feelings about how sexual assault must stop and that it is caused completely by males. This tells me that he already has a feeling of urgency to help solve this problem. Tony Frank is the logical audience for this proposal, because he's basically already on my side of the issue. I just have to provide logical reasons in order to persuade him to implement the resources for women discussed above. Furthermore, since he's the president of the university, he absolutely has the power to implement these resources. 

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